Wayzata's Best of Shareware PC/Windows 1
Wayzata's Best of Shareware for PC-Windows - Release 1 - Wayzata Technology (1993).iso
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Grourtwright, Joe 676 S. Euclid Lane Forest Depths AZ87947 30.94
DeDrestbury, Fenny 3352 S. Arlington S Wood Corners WV93689 20.97
Wushford, Jane 5309 Central Blvd. Glenmont AK84227 47.66
MacShorwell, Lester 8718 Cedar Avenue Glen Peak NJ24652 91.93
Pordwell, Sammy 1552 S. Cedar Drive Elm Crescent NV22177 83.84
VanSnabwell, Sammy 1057 Otis Road Skyfield CA47238 42.75
St.Fliockby, Bob K. 3213 Central Avenue Glen Heights NV91323 21.19
Girtson, Stanford 2992 Otis Blvd. Maple Bluffs WV45323 86.62
DeXidstrom, Jane 8835 N. Spruce Way Saddle Grove GA55520 34.76
St.Deackwright, Nat 919 Park Lane Fairhaven AZ66232 26.39
Kairtford, Stanford 506 Park Blvd. Highhaven NV38476 42.59
McSnit, Elaine P. 2556 N. Cedar Alley Pine Zither OR29926 70.08
VanBrozford, Henry 388 S. Otis Lane New Palms NJ87137 40.37
Xegson, Lester T. 1744 New Cedar Blvd New Bluffs CA51227 5.76
Xamberg, Bob U. 4941 Arlington Way Saddleview OR62434 23.3
Zoustbury, Joe 8102 Arlington Alle River Crescent NJ61679 .81
St.Putstrom, Henry 4543 East Park Stre Sky Ridge WV42178 31.46
Thuchberg, Elaine N 5506 Arlington Way Rich Knoll AZ93104 71.21
Drickwell, Bill V. 71 Cedar Way New Zither NJ50665 70.46
DeBisford, Fenny D. 7730 Lexington Alle Newfield AZ26838 50.39
Luezson, Elaine M. 2031 New Cedar Road Wood Knoll AK10132 13.31
Riostbury, Joe R. 4935 New Park Stree Elmmont CA52134 6.32
Teashford, Janet 6809 New Arlington Glenview AZ46759 87.89
St.Grosson, Sammy 5899 New Lexington Forestland NV95757 91.45
Perdson, Fenny B. 411 1st Road Elmfield AK34862 53.68
Kuhwell, Joe V. 7474 Central St. Elm Corners OR13301 93.11
Pessman, Fenny V. 911 New Otis Way High Ridge AK33269 77.98
Niosford, Joe W. 2976 Cedar Street Sky Bluffs WV52880 64.31
Trachwell, Elaine 3931 Main Avenue Highmont AK14089 91.15
St.Wiordwright, Fen 2403 N. Euclid Stre Hill Beach NY44463 87.35
Pairtstein, Sammy 1497 N. Central Ave Ocean Corners NV12314 39.8
Vuhstein, Bob 2186 New Cedar Park Fair City OH14707 36.22
Thasford, Lester R. 3952 New Spruce Blv Saddle Knoll CA91174 21.78
O'Tuvwell, Joe C. 2375 Cedar Avenue Sky Heights OH08911 90.34
DeKemstrom, Bob O. 7996 S. Cedar St. Brook Springs NY29235 83.65
St.Thouzman, Joe P. 7450 Lexington Way Fairdale AZ99826 92.42
Snushbury, Stanford 1743 Cedar Avenue Redwoodhaven GA46994 46.71
Kasberg, Jane K. 8412 Lexington Road High Peak NV08878 68.89
Chouhovitch, Joe Q. 7295 New Lexington Fallen Corners AZ09643 7.44
VanBiortman, Natali 4447 Cedar Blvd. Fairview AK40052 22.93
Triortson, Joe S. 6556 Park St. Lake Beach AK24728 88.63
O'Jaxby, Janet T. 7361 Otis Drive Oceanfield GA61569 4E-002
VanConson, Lester 8478 Lexington Driv Pinecrest OH05150 5.27
Vochford, Bill U. 8392 Lexington Driv Pineford WV46736 94.26
McBriomberg, Tom G. 7471 New Otis Lane Springview AZ45364 9.99
Kaicberg, Sammy B. 6411 New Park Alley Pinebury AZ34279 41.97
Redson, Janet V. 2495 S. Euclid Stre Lone Springs NJ68106 3.37
Karman, Elaine P. 6448 Park Parkway Saddle Heights OH71324 20.02
Kapford, Sammy B. 8574 Spruce Lane Shoreland NJ96749 90.54
Thokman, Bill 4814 1st Alley Pleasant ValleyNJ90145 57.83
MacStaipland, Stanf 4136 Spruce Alley Lone Peak CA00656 43.79
Steststein, Sammy G 7109 Lexington Road Millmont AZ24211 69.5
Liojman, Jane Q. 5951 Central Avenue Milldale CA03975 47.29
DeDejson, Tom 706 S. Spruce Way Maple Knoll NJ21120 43.86
VanZuwstein, Henry 7000 New Arlington Creek Grove NJ48416 61.25
Truyovitch, Elaine 2286 Spruce Blvd. River Crescent AZ40951 78.35
O'Zairtman, Natalie 523 Central Lane Forestville AZ13931 4.49
O'Vubson, Elaine 8747 Otis Drive Elm Cliffs OR69694 38.61
Baizberg, Sammy V. 4376 Otis St. Oak Depths AK34108 23.28
Kiossbury, Stanford 5525 East Spruce La Woodland GA09908 50.31
Bruertson, Stanford 758 Lexington Alley Maple Bluffs NJ51833 46.54
Makstein, Tom 4259 Lexington Aven Fair Bluffs NJ65977 14.5
Dipbury, Stanford E 59 Cedar Road Oakdale AK51428 29.04
Youzson, Fenny 3207 Lexington Lane Milldale NV00382 64.18
St.Coustford, Sammy 7049 S. Central Str Elmville OR32531 11.63
DeParwright, Lester 5107 East Lexington Desert Peak CA31647 78.64
Huerdstrom, Janet 6466 New Main St. Sky Zither AK64496 87.25
Trapbury, Tom A. 4387 Otis Drive Desert Corners OR55291 24.99
O'Toundman, Bill I. 7359 S. Arlington S Glen Springs NV34413 8.91
Trovford, Lester O. 7043 S. Main Street Glen Bluffs AK27374 34.18
Zirdberg, Bill G. 2981 Arlington Road Ocean Crescent AZ83179 18.33
MacKiowberg, Natali 3877 East Cedar Str Springville NV37472 23.45
Griwson, Tom R. 7030 S. Arlington B Sandy Valley OR68726 66.99
Zouwman, Jane L. 5953 Central Drive Shore Crescent AZ45258 78.88
O'Xiwstrom, Joe U. 7418 1st Way Fairton OH09604 51.21
McFloxby, Henry G. 4261 New Cedar Way Newhaven AK43644 92.86
MacBeybury, Joe E. 2365 East Central P Redwoodford NV02120 46.65
Cujsky, Henry 4947 Cedar Way Elm Springs AK72847 42.5
St.Thardberg, Joe G 6874 Central Parkwa Oakford OR76177 10.09
Drackovitch, Fenny 4757 Central Blvd. Elmhaven WV25121 77.28
VanBeahson, Joe U. 5316 S. Otis Street Fallen Zither CA15214 75.46
Shivsky, Joe 4198 New Cedar Aven Pleasant ValleyGA80303 89.5
Xoumford, Fenny G. 3110 Euclid Way Elmdale AK20423 11.43
Weamsky, Lester N. 406 Park Blvd. Shore Ridge NY79323 50.39
O'Shordstein, Jane 6667 Euclid St. Shoreview AK05028 87.22
VanTueyman, Stanfor 342 Central Parkway Springford WV07270 38.58
Trumsky, Stanford 3138 Main St. Mapleview NJ66942 16.53
Yuegbury, Stanford 1709 1st Street Sandy Corners CA01149 48.71
St.Gaimson, Henry A 7266 Main Lane Woodford WV64061 74.01
Dujwell, Janet F. 6679 Spruce Parkway Sky Corners NJ51019 75.77
Drawford, Lester 1286 New Cedar Road Creek Knoll OH11821 9.97
MacSnodford, Lester 7099 Arlington Alle Highdale AK08271 8.58
McLachstein, Jane J 253 N. 1st Lane Oakcrest NY93850 83.61
Rishford, Henry C. 995 New 1st Blvd. Oak Heights AK82419 62.47
Gradstein, Janet H. 1195 Cedar Alley Brook Bluffs NY29790 99.27
Lioyman, Lester Q. 5034 N. Arlington S Desert Ridge OH79431 20.72
Rikberg, Fenny M. 2725 New Arlington Oakton AZ35809 20.18
Truysky, Fenny X. 3347 Arlington Blvd Lone Palms OR41304 65.09
Grifovitch, Fenny S 4006 Euclid Road New Grove CA49449 56
Chaicwell, Bob T. 4737 New Lexington Lake Springs WV69770 41.6